When you turn on your computer, you suddenly hear a soft sound caused by what? What can we do to avoid damage?

When you turn on your computer, you suddenly hear a soft sound caused by what? What can we do to avoid damage?

 When you turn on your computer, you suddenly hear a soft sound caused by what? What can we do to avoid damage?

    When you turn on your computer, you suddenly hear a soft sound caused by what?

I. When you turn on your computer, you hear a soft sound caused by:

1. Unknown Ram

2. Corrupted Ram

3. When removing the computer, we forgot to plug in the Ram.

4. Missing Ram

    What can we do to avoid damage?

II. We need to do the following to avoid damage:

1. Remove the Ram and ram legs.

2. Test our Ram Computer with another computer where another Ram Computer is not damaged.

3. If Test with another computer that Ram is not damaged and Ram Computer we do not know with another Computer means that our Computer Ram is broken If put to another Computer know our Ram and our computer does not know is from our computer Ram Damaged or unknown due to dust.

III. Test solution knows that the Ram is broken, buy a new Ram, if the Ram is broken, it is better because we do not know how to replace the Ram (if we do not know how to replace the foot). In case we wiped Ram's feet and still do not know, wait to find more.

Hope you find it and hope you will be able to follow the above method successfully.

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